With an O-ring used to prevent ingress of water or oil from the gap between the external and internal frames, it features excellent waterproofing.
· By using SK hardened steel, the stem possesses a high strength that is resilient even for severe use.
· Gears are protected from sudden upward pressure from the spindle by the shock proofing mechanism.
· Limit stickers are included as standard with all models.
Standard Dial Gauges
Dial Gauges are widely used in manufacturing plants.
The stem, made of SK quench hardened with strength, is malfunction-free due to fastening.
The shock-proof mechanism prevents gears from damage due to shocks arising by abruptly pushing up the spindle.
The turning section of the outer frame sealed by the O-ring and the back inside sealed by the packing is water-
proof and dust-proof in construction.
The back is increased in strength by four screws, and the lug can be turned 90 degrees in the installation way.